144 research outputs found

    Fighting Pandemics with Augmented Reality and Smart Sensing-based Social Distancing

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    In a postpandemic world, remaining vigilant and maintaining social distancing are still crucial so societies can contain the virus and the public can avoid disproportionate health impacts. Augmented reality (AR) can visually assist users in understanding the distances in social distancing. However, integrating external sensing and analysis is required for social distancing beyond the users’ local environment. We present DistAR, an android-based application for social distancing leveraging AR and smart sensing using on-device analysis of optical images and environment crowdedness from smart campus data. Our prototype is one of the first efforts to combine AR and smart sensing technologies to create a real-time social distancing application.Peer reviewe

    Fuel consumption analysis of driven trips with respect to route choice

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    Advances in technology equip traffic domain with instruments to gather and analyse data for safe and fuel-efficient traveling. In this article, we elaborate on the effects that taxi drivers' route selection has on fuel efficiency. For this purpose, we fuse real driving behaviour data from taxi cabs, weather, digital map, and traffic situation information to gain understanding of how the routes are selected and what are the effects in terms of fuel-efficiency. Analysis of actually driven trips and their quickest and shortest counterparts is conducted to find out the fuel-efficiency consequences on route selection. The judgments are used for developing a fuel-consumption model, exploring further the route characteristics and external factors affecting fuel consumption.Peer reviewe

    The Many Faces of Edge Intelligence

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    Edge Intelligence (EI) is an emerging computing and communication paradigm that enables Artificial Intelligence (AI) functionality at the network edge. In this article, we highlight EI as an emerging and important field of research, discuss the state of research, analyze research gaps and highlight important research challenges with the objective of serving as a catalyst for research and innovation in this emerging area. We take a multidisciplinary view to reflect on the current research in AI, edge computing, and communication technologies, and we analyze how EI reflects on existing research in these fields. We also introduce representative examples of application areas that benefit from, or even demand the use of EI.Peer reviewe

    The James Webb Space Telescope Mission

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    Twenty-six years ago a small committee report, building on earlier studies, expounded a compelling and poetic vision for the future of astronomy, calling for an infrared-optimized space telescope with an aperture of at least 4m4m. With the support of their governments in the US, Europe, and Canada, 20,000 people realized that vision as the 6.5m6.5m James Webb Space Telescope. A generation of astronomers will celebrate their accomplishments for the life of the mission, potentially as long as 20 years, and beyond. This report and the scientific discoveries that follow are extended thank-you notes to the 20,000 team members. The telescope is working perfectly, with much better image quality than expected. In this and accompanying papers, we give a brief history, describe the observatory, outline its objectives and current observing program, and discuss the inventions and people who made it possible. We cite detailed reports on the design and the measured performance on orbit.Comment: Accepted by PASP for the special issue on The James Webb Space Telescope Overview, 29 pages, 4 figure

    Exploring the use of rule-based reasoning in ubiquitous computing applications

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    Abstract Ubiquitous computing transforms physical environments into smart spaces, supporting users in an unobtrusive fashion. Such support requires sensing and interpreting the situation of the user, and providing the required functionality utilizing resources available. In other words, context acquisition, context modelling, and context reasoning are required. This thesis explores rule-based context reasoning from three perspectives: to implement the functionality of ubiquitous applications, to support the creation of ubiquitous applications, and to achieve self-adaptation. First, implementing functionality with reasoning is studied by comparing an application equipped with rule-based reasoning with an application providing similar functionality with hard coded application logic. The scalability of rule-based reasoning is studied with a large-scale student assistant scenario. Reasoning with constrained resources is explored with an application that performs reasoning partially on mobile devices. Finally, distributing a reasoning component that supports smart space interaction is explored with centralized, hybrid, and distributed architectures. Second, the creation of applications with rule-based reasoning is explored. In the first study, rules support building applications from available services and resources based on the instructions that users give via physical user interfaces. The second study supports developers, by proposing middleware that dynamically selects services and data based on the rules written by application developers. Third, self-adaptation is explored with a conceptual framework that adds self-introspective monitoring and control to smart space applications. This framework is verified with simulation and theoretical studies, and an application that fuses diverse data to provide fuel-efficient driving recommendations and adapts decision-making based on the driver’s progress and feedback. The thesis’ contributions include demonstrative cases on using rule-based reasoning from different perspectives, different scales, and with different architectures. Frameworks, a middleware, simulations, and prototypes provide the concrete contribution of the thesis. Generally, the thesis contributes to understanding how rule-based reasoning can be used in ubiquitous computing. The results presented can be used as guidelines for developers of ubiquitous applications.Tiivistelmä Jokapaikan tietotekniikka muokkaa fyysisen ympäristömme älykkääksi tilaksi, joka tukee käyttäjää häntä häiritsemättä. Tuki toteutetaan asentamalla ympäristöön käyttäjää ja ympäristöä havainnoivia laitteita, tulkitsemalla kerätyn tiedon perusteella käyttäjän tilanne ja tarjoamalla tilanteeseen sopiva toiminnallisuus käyttäen saatavilla olevia resursseja. Toisin sanoen, älykkään tilan on kyettävä tunnistamaan ja mallintamaan toimintatilanne sekä päättelemään toimintatilanteen perusteella. Tässä työssä tutkitaan sääntöpohjaista päättelyä toimintatilanteen perusteella sovellusten toiminnallisuuden toteutuksen, kehittämisen tuen sekä mukautuvuuden näkökulmista. Sovellusten toiminnallisuuden toteuttamista päättelemällä tutkitaan vertaamalla sääntöpohjaisen päättelyn avulla toteutettua toiminnallisuutta vastaavaan suoraan sovellukseen ohjelmoituun toiminnallisuuteen. Sääntöpohjaisen päättelyn skaalautuvuutta arvioidaan laajamittaisessa opiskelija-assistenttiskenaariossa. Niukkojen resurssien vaikutusta päättelyyn arvioidaan päättelemällä osittain mobiililaitteessa. Älykkään tilan vuorovaikutusta tukevan päättelykomponentin hajauttamista tutkitaan keskitetyn, hybridi- ja hajautetun arkkitehtuurin avulla. Sovelluskehityksen tukemiseksi päättelyn säännöt muodostetaan saatavilla olevista palveluista ja resursseista käyttäjän fyysisen käyttöliittymän välityksellä antamien ohjeiden mukaisesti. Toisessa tapauksessa sovelluskehitystä tuetaan väliohjelmistolla, joka valitsee palvelut ja datan dynaamisesti sovelluskehittäjien luomien sääntöjen perusteella. Mukautuvuutta tutkitaan tilan hallintaan ja itsehavainnointiin liittyvän toiminnallisuuden lisäämiseen pystyvän käsitteellisen kehyksen avulla. Kehyksen toiminta varmennetaan simulointien sekä teoreettisten tarkastelujen avulla. Toteutettu useita datalähteitä yhdistävä sovellus antaa ajoneuvon kuljettajalle polttoaineen kulutuksen vähentämiseen liittyviä suosituksia sekä mukautuu kuljettajan ajotavan kehityksen ja palautteen perusteella. Työssä on osoitettu sääntöpohjaisen päättelyn toimivuus eri näkökulmista, eri skaalautuvuuden asteilla sekä eri arkkitehtuureissa. Työn konkreettisia tuloksia ovat kehykset, väliohjelmistot, simuloinnit sekä prototyypit. Laajemmassa mittakaavassa työ edesauttaa ymmärtämään sääntöpohjaisen päättelyn soveltamista ja työn tuloksia voidaankin käyttää suosituksina sovelluskehittäjille

    An overview of interactive application composition approaches

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    Application composition is an approach to create applications by using software components as building blocks. Applications can be composed ofWeb Services and resources associated with mobile devices, displays and various augmented everyday objects. In this article, we focus on ubiquitous applicationswhich aim at supporting users’ needs and everyday activities. Application composition is particularly suitable for these applications as it proposes to compose ubiquitous applications by choosing the appropriate set of services and resources and their configuration as required by users, their needs and other contexts. This article gives an overview and classifies interactive application composition approaches. These approaches provide the necessary user tools and various user interfaces to enable users themselves to specify their needs and achieve their goals with composed applications. The approaches in this article are analyzed according to the user support provided during the application life-cycle and user involvement during the application composition and execution phases. Furthermore,we look inside the design of user interfaces for visual and non-visual user tools and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. In addition to giving an overview of this research field, our aim is to provide means for describing, classifying and comparing different composition approaches

    Monitoring Social Distancing in Smart Spaces using Infrastructure-Based Sensors

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    Social distancing is a critical tool for mitigating disease transmission, particularly in crowded indoor spaces. In this paper, we contribute by assessing the feasibility of re-purposing existing infrastructure of occupancy monitoring sensors and environmental sensors for the dual purpose of monitoring social distancing and supporting disease transmission risk estimation. We consider 410 continuous days of measurements from CO2 and PIR (passive infrared) motion detectors collected from a collaborative smart space, prior to the start of the pandemic in 2017-2018. We demonstrate how these sensors can be used to estimate occupancy levels, as well as analyze occupancy patterns within the space. We also consider disease transmission risk estimation based on the overall air quality within the space. Based on our analysis, we derive insights into how infrastructure-based sensors can be used to detect problematic areas in the space and offer insights into how to modify these areas to be more social distancing aware.Peer reviewe